Monday 30 October 2017

Math Basic Facts Practice

Check out some of these fun ways that you can practice your math facts at home on your computer or other device!

Arithmetic Four
This is a Connect Four type game where you need to answer the a math question first before you can drop your token!

Fun 4 the Brain
Fun 4 the Brain is a creative website with games to practice math and some other subjects too!
Be sure to check out the quizzes/test section - It gives you different mad minute type tests that will mark themselves, time you, and let you print them off to show your teacher! ;)

Kids Love 2 Learn
This website is ALWAYS a good one to check out. It is all Alberta curriculum and fits perfects in with whatever we are doing in class, no matter what subject.

There is quite a few addition and subtraction games you can try out!

Saturday 2 September 2017

So Cool to be Back in School!!

Welcome Back!

I'm looking forward to a new school year with a new group of fantastic fifth graders! I hope you are all as excited as I am! 

This year we are going to be talking about GROWTH MINDSET, a lot, as a way of changing our vocabulary and attitude about learning. 

Image result for growth mindset for kids

Image result for growth mindset for kids

Image result for growth mindset for kids

Thursday 29 June 2017

STEM project

We finished our last FULL day of school off with a STEM project. (STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Math)

This is something I'd like to incorporate into my classroom next year, but these 5th graders were happy to be my guinea pigs! 🐖

Their task today was to build a tower that could be both tall AND strong. Their tower had to hold a cup and must be built out of straws, tape and string. They were also allowed to use scissors and a single hole punch. Each group had 150 straws and 1 cup. After the towers were complete we put jelly beans into each towers cup, one at a time, and counted how much each tower could hold.

And boy, did they deliver!

Here's some pictures during the build.

The Final Countdown

      Our fantastic fifth graders are soon-to-be sensational sixth graders! It's hard to believe                     but tomorrow is our FINAL day!

Now, your usually lovely teacher (me) may be            looking alot like this during this week,

               but there's no need to make fun.

The end has come and even though I may look like poor bugs bunny, ⬆ I really will miss all my grade 5s!

We have been having lots of fun the last few days getting ready to wrap up the year and celebrate Canada's 150th birthday!

It is so special for our class to celebrate this momentous milestone for Canada since we have spent the whole year learning all about Canada's history and it's growth into such a diverse nation.

Our whole a school dressed in Red and White and took a roof top picture to celebrate Canada's 150th!

Our class is the left hand column of the 1!
                                   See us!?

 The grade 5s also had the opportunity to show off how fantastic they are by being leaders at the gr. 1-3 Play Day! They were running play stations and being group leaders.. and they may have had some fun too!

Monday 19 June 2017

Local reservoir - TilleyB

Bassano Dam

We are inquiring all about our local water for our Wetlands Unit so that we can understand why water is so important and why we should be protecting it.

Our area doesn't get alot of precipitation so our local residents rely on water taken from the Bow River that stems from the Rocky Mountains.

The Eastern Irrigtaion District controls the amount of water taken from the Bow River at the Bassano Dam and sends it all across our area. 1,200 irrigation farmers receive their water through a system of 4,800 kilometers of canals and drains and thirteen storage reservoirs. 

The system also supplies water to all the industry, wet land habitat projects, towns and villages in the area, serving a population base of 18,000 people.

Friday 9 June 2017


                     It's rodeo weekend y'all!
We had a hoot n' hollerin' good time today for our Western Day and rodeo events outside.
Have a fun and safe rodeo weekend everybody!